Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sun Tea

We are using some fun books from the library! We found one book on the environment and renewable resources so we tried two fun projects today! Tony is making sun tea for our family and we are doing an experiment on making fresh water from drinking water. Here are the preliminary pictures. We will keep you updated!

This is how I made Sun Tea following the instructions from "A Child's Introduction to The Environment..." by Michael Driscoll and Professor Dennis Driscoll.

You'll need:
1 gallon (4 liters) water
6 tea bags (ordinary tea, or try an herbal kind such as peppermint or a fruit flavor)
a clear 1-gallon jug or pitcher

1. Pour the water into the clear jug. Add the tea bags. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap.

2. Leave the jug outside in the bright sun for until the water is amber colored (usually just two or three hours). Remove tea bags.

3. Refrigerate the jug and drink the tea within the next day or two. And thats it.

I changed the recipe slightly because i did not have a 1 gallon jug or pitcher.

Instead i used 2 liters. 3 bags of tea. And then i did the rest of the instuctions.


  1. I like it! Until about a year ago I didn't know that the sun's UV is the best decontaminant for water. Kills EVERYTHING.

  2. Seriously? I didn't even know that!!!
